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How a marketing plan helps your make sure your personal brand!

Writer's picture: Liz DevonshireLiz Devonshire

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Happy New Year, hope it’s not too late to say that, although while we’re in the month of January, I reckon it’s ok, especially as I am going to chat to you about a subject that is connected to a new start and a new year in business… making a plan, specifically your marketing plan.

Personal brand shoot


We all know the old saying… fail to plan, plan to fail, and yet so many of us fall into the trap of winging it! As business owners, we know it’s crucial to our success, to have a cohesive business plan in order to grow or even to survive. And creating a marketing plan is a key part of that. As we enter 2024, many of you will have either just completed that plan or be busy this month working on it, but believe me if you haven’t done it so far, there is still plenty of time to get going on it.


At this point I want to emphasis that you can create your marketing plan anytime. I run my business, so the year runs April – April. I spend January, February and March, reflecting and collating what has gone on in my business in the previous months and deciding where I want to be by the end of my next business year.


Why it matters?

If we don’t create some kind of marketing plan, we are probably making life more difficult for ourselves than it needs to be, and going forward and it could potentially cost us money through lost clients, or money payed out for things that either we don’t need or that don’t align with our actual business.


Personal brand shoot

Now, let’s be honest about this for a moment, for most of us marketing will be a bit of a chore and although we know it’s super important for our businesses, it isn’t something we all enjoy doing, and that’s why so many people I talk to moan about it, just the thought of it sends many into overwhelm territory. Creating fresh content for our social media posts, blogs, emails, and the many other types of marketing we might be doing,  can be exhausting and making sure we post the right ‘on brand’ content, on a regular and frequent basis, is also incredibly time consuming especially when there are other parts of the business that may need attention.

So how can we make things a little easier for ourselves? Investing the ‘time’ to create a plan, can actually save you time further down the line and make the practice of regular marketing a lot easier. Knowing what content we are likely to need down the road gives us time to prepare for it.

Hopefully by having a little foresight, it will also mean we will start thinking about tailoring our imagery to suit our posts in our marketing campaigns too. And obviously this is where I have a special interest. When people have a comprehensive monthly marketing plan, they will have a clearer idea what they want to communicate to their ideal client each month. When clients book a shoot with me, with a plan in place, it, very likely will directly influence their personal brand shoot, giving it a whole new purpose. And this very often can impact the whole style of the shoot, the types of props used and of course the locations.


Suddenly, your marketing becomes so much easier, you have content mapped out in advance and the right treasure chest of imagery at your fingertips, giving you more confidence when putting out your drives, you won’t be spending a lot of time searching for pictures that aren't suitable or not on brand, as it’s been specifically shot for a purpose.

Personal brand shoot

For example if you are a coach advertising your first in person training; we may do pictures in front of a white board, in a location suitable for presentations, you might bring in friends or family to pose as you audience, you would ensure you had all the props you might use for the actual event. If you want people to listen to your podcasts we can photograph you with your microphone, doing a recording. Ensuring you have enough variety of photography to cover all the different places you might need imagery.

How I Can Help

To make things even easier for you, I want to help you with this... I am actually so excited

about this, I will be working with Digital Marketing Strategy queen, Amy Atkinson for

The Content Mastery Fusion; Be Prepared for 2024 Day, on 20th February in Liverpool Street.

This is your chance to...Get in a room with 10 other business owners, as well as myself and Amy and to get your content created for the next 3 months

No more waking up panicking you haven’t posted in a while.

No more posting content that doesn’t work.

  • You will be creating a three-month plan based on what works for YOUR business with Amy.

  • And you will be having a mini shoot with me, where you’ll come away with at least 6 images for you to use on your social media and website.

  • You will walk away with a 3-month plan to help you create high-impact, high-converting content.

  • Plus 2 weeks of 1:1 WhatsApp coaching and support from Amy, while you implement the plan you have created.

  • And a Tips and Hacks How to Guide from me to help you add in extra visual content should you want to.

On top of all this fabulousness we are also offering an early bird gift worth £500 for those who book before 1st February, places are going quickly so please drop me an email or DM me if you think this might be for you. And you can reach Amy via her website

Can't wait to see you there!!!

While you are here, please don't miss out on my fabulous free guide giveaway,

SIX WAYS TO BOOST YOUR VISIBILITY & GET MORE CLIENTS. Now if you are in this space I know you are interested in creating more visibility in your business and so this guide will be just perfect for you, because it gives you some amazing advice and help how to begin your visibility journey.

Now no… do not ask for a preview, you know what you need to do get yourself over to my website and grab that guide now… or at least immediately after you have finished reading this, or you can just click this link here.

....or if you want to chat through your options for professional photography for your business I’d love you to get in touch and maybe I can help. 



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